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Trade and Transaction Reporting

Enable compliant trade validation, tracking, and reporting.


Trade and Transaction Reporting from Droit is designed to enable institutions to easily identify reporting obligations in real-time and rapidly create and validate the required reports, with simplicity and convenience for all users. This ensures the right fields are populated with accurate data, ready for external submission.


Why the need for Droit’s Trade and Transaction Reporting

The constant challenge faced by teams who manage trade and transaction reporting is to understand and comply with the global regulatory reporting requirements: which authorities have jurisdiction, who needs to report, and how to construct an accurate, timely report. Current solutions do not provide sufficient insight into the origin of reporting errors to allow timely remediation at scale.  

Why the need for Droit’s Transaction Reporting

The constant challenge faced by teams who manage transaction reporting is to understand and comply with the global regulatory reporting requirements: what authorities have jurisdiction, who needs to report and how to construct an accurate, timely report. Current solutions do not provide sufficient insight into the origin of reporting errors to allow timely remediation at scale.

Key Features and Capabilities

droit - automating intelligent decision-making

Produces accurate and easy-to-understand reporting eligibility decisions using precisely defined data inputs.

droit - automating intelligent decision-making

Validates in-scope reports against regulatory and trade repository specifications, highlighting the nature of any errors and illuminating the path to remediation.

droit - automating intelligent decision-making

Reduces the volume of exceptions observed through the prevention of over or under reporting, thereby decreasing the marginal cost of remediation.

droit - automating intelligent decision-making

Built on Droit’s patented Adept platform, automates the decision-making process for report eligibility and provides full decision transparency and traceability to the regulatory source text.

News & Insights

Finextra: The Regulatory Reporting Overhaul - Navigating New Compliance Challenges for Financial Institutions

By: Blythe Barber   The next 8 months will see significant changes to the regulatory reporting framework for financial institutions…

Key Takeaways on New Regulations Impacting the US Treasury Market

By: William Kolkey   US financial regulators have recently adopted several new rules aimed at promoting liquidity and reducing systemic…

Preparing with Confidence for SEC Rule 13f-2 Reporting on Short-Selling Positions

By: William Graham  In less than six months the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission will require institutional investment managers to…