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Droit empowers institutions to make millions of decisions – complying with thousands of complex rules, every day.

Act Right with Confidence.

The Platform for an Evolving World of Regulated Interactions

At Droit, we build mission-critical, breakthrough products to advance global regulatory compliance and real-time controls. We are pioneers in computational law and automating intelligent decision-making. We see the complexity of rules and regulations as an opportunity for better action.

Droit Adept Platform

Droit Adept is the innovative, patented platform that drives intelligent decision-making in an ever-complex, rule-driven landscape. Institutions rely on Adept to provide solutions for pre-trade and post-trade controls, evaluating the permissibility of transactions, compliant regulatory reporting, and more.

Droit Adept lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonu nibh euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonu nibh euismod   Brock Arnason, Droit Founder and CEO

Our Products

Built on our Adept platform, our products deliver strategic solutions for clients backed by award-winning technology.


Client Readiness

Client Readiness from Droit enables financial institutions to understand their commercial possibilities and validate readiness to engage. It quickly provides reassurance and evidence that company-specific compliance and regulatory criteria has been properly applied across clients and services.

Key Stats

Awards for Regulatory/Technical Innovation
0 +
Mandates Covered
0 +
Decisions Processed Each Day by Droit's Patented Platform
0 m+
Awards for Regulatory/Technical Innovation
0 +
Mandates Covered
0 +
Decisions Processed Each Day by Droit's Patented Platform
0 m+
Patented Platform
Awards for Regulatory/Technical Innovation
0 +
Mandates Covered
0 +
Decisions Processed Each Day
+ 0 m

Featured Clients

Trusted by leading financial institutions around the world.

News & Insights

Finextra: The Regulatory Reporting Overhaul - Navigating New Compliance Challenges for Financial Institutions

By: Blythe Barber   The next 8 months will see significant changes to the regulatory reporting framework for financial institutions…

Key Takeaways on New Regulations Impacting the US Treasury Market

By: William Kolkey   US financial regulators have recently adopted several new rules aimed at promoting liquidity and reducing systemic…

Preparing with Confidence for SEC Rule 13f-2 Reporting on Short-Selling Positions

By: William Graham  In less than six months the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission will require institutional investment managers to…